| | | - Erasmus Mundus Tbilisi State University students, faculty members and alumni gathering
| | Posted 15/02/2011 | This year marks the 5th anniversary of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) participation in the EU supported higher education project Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window. During the cooperation period number of TSU students, faculty members and alumni has spent an exceptionally beneficial study and cultural exchange period in various European higher education institutions. | Tbilisi State University intends to gather the project beneficiary TSU students, faculty members and alumni to sustain strong ties and discuss possible venues of cooperation between TSU and its Eramsus Mundus alumni with the purpose of sharing with them TSU development strategy and involving them in the university advancement. | The following officials have been invited as key note speakers to the event: Head of the European Delegation to Georgia, Ambassador Philip Dimitrov; Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Mr. Nodar Surguladze. TSU has also requested the pleasure of attendance of the following officials: Attache/Project Manager at Civil Society and Higher Education, the Delegation of the European Union to Georgia Dr. Oliver Reisner; State Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration, Vice Prime Minister Giorgi Baramidze; Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs of Georgia Mr. Vladimir Vardzelashvili, Head of the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement Mr. David Kereselidze; Head of National TEMPUS Office Georgia Dr. Lika Glonti, the representatives of the Diplomatic Missions of project participant countries. | Event date: 2 p.m. on February 26, 2011 Venue: TSU Administrative Building #2 (Address: 3, Chavchavadze Avenue, 0179 Tbilisi). | | | | | Posted 12/09/2010, Updated 19/09/2010 | | | The beneficiaries are informed that as soon as they send their scanned visa to Ms Memi Takoussidou, she will deposit on their bank account the 50% of the total travel cost. The rest of the amount will be deposited upon their departure from the host Institution. All travellers should not forget to keep and send to Ms Takoussidou their boarding passes, as well as any bus/train receipts. | | | - Participation of candidates in the 2nd Round of Mobility
| | Posted 10/09/2010 | | | The candidates who have already applied and sent their documents to the hosting universities are informed that: -The files of those applicants who are eligible but haven't been selected for the 1st round of mobility will be considered for the 2nd round of mobility; -Those post-graduate students who have applied but don't fulfill the criterion of the foreign language, have the possibility to submit any of the required certificates (and scores) within the deadline for the 2nd round of mobility, so as to become eligible. | | | | | Posted 08/09/2010 | | | Upon their selection, the beneficiaries are kindly requested to contact Ms Memi Takoussidou (
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) regarding their insurance and send her the following bank data: NAME OF THE BENEFICIARY'S BANK Account number or IBAN NAME OF THE HOLDER (it has to be the beneficiary's name) SWIFT CODE or BIC | | | - Start of mobility for SMU, VUB and RA
| | Posted 20/08/2010 | | | The candidates are informed that the Swansea Metropolitan University, the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and the Rezekne's Augstskola will not host students during the winter semester 2010/11. The Undergraduate and Master students to these Universities will participate in the 2nd Round of mobility, whereas the Phd students and Post-doctorate fellows will start their mobility as scheduled. |
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